41 research outputs found

    Riding the wave: high prices, big business? : the role of multinationals in the international grain markets

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    In 2007-2008, world market prices for grains and inputs such as fertiliser have risen sharply. At the same time, international trade is increasingly dominated by only a few large agribusiness firms. Civil society organisations are increasingly concerned about the potential impact of these two trends. This report provides an overview of the international trade of grains, the role of multinationals that trade in international grains, and the linkage of international and domestic grain markets in Africa. This research also provides an analysis of the role of multinationals and speculation on grain price

    Organic produce from the Republic of South Africa. Exploring the conditions for enhancing trade in organic vegetables, fruit and wine

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    Conditions for enhancing the trade in organic products between the Netherlands and the Republic of South Africa were assessed by means of a SWOT analysis, based on information acquired through interviews and desk research. There is a large potential to enhance the trade in organic products between the two countries, although the following issues need to be addressed: the finalisation of the RSA legislation on organic production (which will enable large enough volumes to be produced and traded), skills development and the presence of an effective platform for organic production in the RS

    Creating green consumer loyalty; How to strategically market CSR and obtain consumer preference

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    Sustainability is an important social theme that is taking on increasing significance in many areas, including the supermarket sector. This report presents the findings of a literature study looking at the opportunities available to supermarkets to gain a preferential position in the eyes of consumers for their efforts regarding sustainability. Duurzaamheid is een belangrijk maatschappelijk thema, dat ook in de supermarktbranche van steeds grotere betekenis wordt. Dit rapport presenteert de bevindingen van een literatuurstudie naar de aangrijpingspunten die supermarkten hebben om voor hun duurzaamheidsinspanningen een voorkeurspositie bij de consument te verkrijgen

    Technological learning for innovating towards sustainable cultivation practices: the Vietnamese smallholder rose sector

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    Deregulation and globalisation has altered the views of public involvement in development and led to strategies focusing on private sector participation. An implicit assumption seems to be that these linkages will enhance the technological capacity of smallholder producers by way of more cost-efficient technologies trickling down through the value chain or by quality requirements inducing best practices. The argument put forward in this paper is that sustainable non traditional agricultural chain development requires more purposeful actions and institutional transitions, both in the public and private spheres, targeting improved upstream innovative capacities. Empirical findings from a Dutch-Vietnamese partnership on sustainable floriculture development are used. Research revealed that the pest and disease control solutions applied by smallholder rose growers were incremental adaptations of experiences obtained in former food crop cultivation practices. Floriculture however may require more drastic changes in cultivation practices to make the sector more environmentally benign. In the case of smallholder Vietnamese flower producers, this implies adaptation of knowledge and skills currently not present. An important hindrance in promoting this knowledge and skills appears to be the weak vertical linkages between flower growers and public and private research and development organizations

    CSR business models and change trajectories in the retail industry; A Dynamic Benchmark Exercise (1995-2007)

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    Sustainability or Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an important societal issue that also gains momentum in the food retail industry. Companies apply different strategies towards sustainability and can alter these over time. This report presents the findings of RSM research on (changes in) business models of CSR strategies within three leading Dutch food retailers as well as three leading European food retailers. The research reveals the level of internal and external alignment as important factors to understand the design and the development of the companies' CSR business model

    Een band met de duurzame klant : de rol van duurzaamheidsinspanningen van bedrijven bij het bereiken van de consument

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    Duurzaamheid is een belangrijk maatschappelijk thema, dat ook in de supermarktbranche van steeds grotere betekenis wordt. Dit rapport presenteert de bevindingen van een literatuurstudie naar de aangrijpingspunten die supermarkten hebben om voor hun duurzaamheidsinspanningen een voorkeurspositie bij de consument te verkrijgen. Sustainability is an important social theme that is taking on increasing significance in many areas, including the supermarket sector. This report presents the findings of a literature study looking at the opportunities available to supermarkets to gain a preferential position in the eyes of consumers for their effortsregarding sustainability